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  • Tony Ambardar's avatar
    base-files: fix prerm return value, align with postinst code · e4241572
    Tony Ambardar authored
    The return value of a package prerm script is discarded and not returned
    correctly by default_prerm(). This allows other operations like service
    shutdown to "leak" their return value, prompting workarounds like commit
     which do not address the root cause.
    Preserve a package prerm script return value for use by default_prerm(),
    sharing the corresponding code from default_postinst() for consistency.
    Also use consistent code for handling of /etc/init.d/ scripts.
    Run Tested on: LEDE 17.01.4 running ar71xx.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Ambardar <>
    (cherry picked from commit 8806da86)